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UTAComNav presents Financial Fundamentals Series



UTAComNav presents Financial Fundamentals Series


In this series, UTAComnav* co-hosts with Rethink Wealth LLC, a family of financial professionals that specialize in working with small business owners with a commitment to helping protect those that own businesses and provide jobs in our local communities. Get connected with the knowledge, resources, and community to assist your small business in accessing capital!

Registration is required.

Wednesday June 15th, 11am-12pm CST

Buying an Existing Business

Have you considered buying an existing business vs starting your own? Starting a business from scratch can be challenging and buying an existing business can simplify the initial planning process. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages or purchasing/taking over an existing business and the factors to consider so that you make the best choice for you.

Link to register https://sba-vboc.ecenterdirect.com/events/24197


Wednesday June 22nd, 11am-12pm CST

Business Continuation

COVID-19 is a prime example of the importance of having a business continuation plan to ensure you have developed a strong system of prevention and recovery from potential threats to your small business. Learn how to analyze your business continuity impact, understand the different components of a business continuity plan and the process of developing this critical asset for your business so that you are prepared for any disaster, minor or catastrophic.

Link to register https://sba-vboc.ecenterdirect.com/events/24198


Wednesday June 29th, 11am-12pm CST

Business Credit and Repair

As you map out your startup costs and expenses, you’ll also want to make sure your credit is in good health. One of the main reasons why small business loan application are declined is due to poor credit history, which can also impact the likelihood of your business attracting potential partners and suppliers. Learn the ins and outs of business credit and the importance of cultivating and maintaining a good credit score.

Link to register https://sba-vboc.ecenterdirect.com/events/24199


*UTAComNav is a selected spoke awardee for the SBA Community Navigator Pilot Program with a mission to provide Texas veteran-owned and military-connected small businesses with access to technical assistance; specifically, loan preparation, serve as a liaison to connect clients with existing SBA resource partners, loan officers and disaster recovery subject matter experts and provide financial literacy tools and resources to bridge the gap between veterans, minority and underrepresented communities to access to capital.