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T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined -Deadline to Apply Extended Until 6/10/2022!

Alaska District Office

u s small business administration
T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined Grow a More Profitable, Efficient and Competitive Business  Woman looking at a laptop  www.sbathrive.com


T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined


T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined is an executive-level training series intended to give ambitious small business leaders a challenging opportunity to accelerate their growth through targeted training led by motivating leaders in small business development. 

T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined revolutionizes the rich history of executive-level training for small businesses poised for growth.

This training is not for start-ups or people who are thinking about starting a business. T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined advanced training series is open to small business owners and executives that:

  • Have annual revenues of at least $250,000
  • Have been in business for at least three years
  • Have at least one employee, other than self

What are the overall benefits of participation?

The program allows participants to work with a network of experienced subject matter experts in core business topics. In addition, the new 2022 format promotes an eco-system of business connections among business peers, government leaders, and the financial community. As a result, T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined helps build sustainable businesses that promote economic development within their communities.

Additionally, entrepreneurs produce a three-year strategic growth action plan with benchmarks and performance targets to access the support and resources necessary to move forward.  

There is no direct financial cost upfront, but participants must invest their time and commitment to complete all training sessions over the six months. SBA and our local partners cover all other costs.

Important Notes

  • Training is open to small businesses in Alaska who can commit to attending each session.
  • Training will begin in July and end in December.
  • Training will be a hybrid of in-person and remote learning. 

For more information or to apply, click here.

You may also contact Nelida Irvine at nelida.irvine@sba.gov or 907-301-2652 with any questions.

Registration for T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined closes on June 10, 2022.