New & Existing Small Business Owners – Learn about your Indiana state tax obligations during this free webinar!
Stay Strong Webinar – Indiana Tax Obligations & Compliance
When: July 19, 12pm
Where: Online
About this event:
Stay Strong is an hour-long presentation for small business owners with more complicated questions about their tax obligations to help them stay compliant with their Indiana state taxes. Topics include:
filing and paying taxes
remote sellers
Registered Retail Merchant Certificates
Use Tax
tax liabilities and audits
business tax FAQs
business resources
Don’t miss hearing from an experienced DOR representative and have your tax questions answered; sign up today!
Reminders and a link to the webinar will be emailed after registration. You can also access the class on the day of the event by typing into
your web browser.
Questions? Email Economic Development Specialist Ronda Crouch at
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