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Dallas/Fort Worth District Office 

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Illustration of an SBA building with a banner that says 69 years and the following text, helping small businesses thrive for nearly seven decades.



Kansas City District Office Updates

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SBA Success Story

Lois Rodriguez, President

Better By Design, LLC

In 2009, Lois Rodriguez founded Better By Design, LLC by blending a team of professionals with diverse construction expertise into one company. However, her introduction to business entrepreneurship came with both challenges and obstacles.  In 2006, Rodriguez’s
family planted a tree farm in Brookfield, Missouri.  Their primary market was providing the “street trees” for new developments in Kansas City, Missouri.  However, the recession in 2008, halted sales and resulted in a huge debt for their farm.

Rodriguez’s background in tree farming provided invaluable experience in seeding, fertilizing, and mulching. Determined to succeed, Rodriguez reached out to her brother, the owner of a landscape company, to increase her knowledge of construction-based responsibilities.
It was at this time, when she was looking for opportunities to sell the tree supply from 2008, that she landed her first fencing contract. 


Seed Fund Week, Resource Partners & more

San Francisco District Office 

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SBIR logo

America’s Seed Fund Week | July 18 to July 22, 2022

The 2022 America’s Seed Fund Week is a virtual, collaborative outreach effort connecting entrepreneurs working on advanced technologies and the organizations that support them to the country’s largest source of early-stage funding – the Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.

Also known as America’s Seed Fund, the SBIR/STTR programs provide over $4 billion in funding to small businesses each year in a wide variety of technology areas.