Loan Clinic July 6
The Small Business Administration is hosting a free webinar at noon July 6 about its guaranteed loan programs.
SBA guarantees loans making it easier for small businesses to get the funding by reducing lender risk. Funds can be used for most business purposes, including long-term fixed assets and operating capital. Amounts range from $500 to $5.5 million.
To access the webinar, visit (may need to copy and paste link into web browser address bar).
To access the webinar by phone, call 802-490-7604 and enter code 301113174#.
For more information, email
VT Small Business Survey
Main Street Alliance and the Vermont Professionals of Color Network is partnered with Vermont Small Business Development Center as they begin to engage in the Small Business Administration’s Community Navigator Pilot Program.
In service of this program and small business needs, Main Street Alliance and the Vermont Professionals of Color seek to further understand what is working well for small businesses and what gaps still exist. They seek to connect with Vermont’s women, BIPOC,
veteran and rural owned businesses, and those who have yet to access resources from regional and state-based programming.
As “spokes” in the larger Community Navigator Pilot Program, the two organizations are integrally connected to resources and programming throughout Vermont. To ensure that the needs of our small business community are met, they act as a conduit to connect businesses
to these services.
By listening deeply and centering the small business voice, the hope is to influence transformative change in Vermont to make for a more equitable and accessible small business economy.
Main Street Alliance and the Vermont Professionals of Color Network are asking small businesses to complete the following survey. The questionnaire should take approximately 20 minutes. Small businesses may start it and have 14 days to finish if necessary.
To access the survey, click
Congrats To 2022 VT SmallBiz Winners
Congratulations to all the 2022 Vermont Small Business Award Winners who accepted their awards during a recent award ceremony at the Country Club of Vermont.
VermontBiz, the awards cohost, posted an
album of the evening’s activities.