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COVID EIDL Loans Top $4 billion in CT

Midway through June….

Connecticut District Office

u s small business administration

EIDL Impact in Connecticut


As the country continues to transition from a historic economic recovery to stable, steady growth that works for families and small businesses, Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman, the voice for America’s 32.5 million small businesses in President Biden’s Cabinet, highlighted the impact of the SBA’s COVID Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). See the full press release here.

EIDL Impact in Connecticut tops $4 billion 

In Connecticut the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) made a significant impact on the small business community. Through April 28, 2022 Connecticut borrowers were approved for 37,997 loans totaling $4,002,975,228.

The Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) have been exhausted, SBA is no longer processing COVID EIDL. 

SBA continues to offer other funding options for small businesses including traditional SBA loans.

Manage your EIDL

Learn how to monitor the status of your COVID EIDL, including making payments https://www.sba.gov/EIDL.


The key to getting a business off the ground or taking it to the next level could very well be the right funding.

How would you grow your business if you had more money? Would you buy more equipment? Hire more help?

The Women’s Business Development Council’s Opportunity Fund offers the Equity Match Grants, providing cash grants of up to $10,000 to women entrepreneurs. Grants are awarded to small businesses in CT that have been open at least 2 years with clearly defined projects that will have a measurable impact on the business. Priority will be given to those from economically distressed municipalities. Applicants are required to provide a minimum of a 25% match. For more information and how to apply, visit: https://ctwbdc.org/equity-match-grant deadline to apply is July 3.

Government contracting

Yes, You Can Get a Federal Contract 

Join our Webinar – Thursday, June 30


The government works to make sure small businesses get at least 23 percent of all federal contracting dollars. But, do you know how to get one?

Join WBDC and the SBA for an informational session about how you can get a federal contract. This session will include time for Q&A.

Thursday, June 30th

12pm – 1pm ET

 FREE Virtual Registration Here