This event will be hosted at the Fresno SBA District Office, 801 R Street, Suite 201 in downtown Fresno. There is $5 all day parking behind the Fresno SBA Office in the Promenade lot. You can use the City of Fresno Parking app or purchase a parking permit from
the machine at the end of the covered parking stalls.
In accordance with Executive Order 13991, Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-21-15, event attendees will be required to wear masks while in the SBA facility.
There is no cost for the webinar, but advance registration is required.
8:30 am – 9:00 am
Registration & Networking over coffee
9:00 am – Noon
Legislative Update from Congressman Jim Costa
Hear what’s new from Federal agency leaders representing the Small Business Administration, USDA, EPA, HUD, and others
Find out about how SBA Resource partners in the San Joaquin Valley provide free counseling, consulting, technical assistance and training to help entrepreneurs and small business owners get going and keep growing
Hear from a panel of SBA approved lenders about programs that can help your small business get access to capital and funding to help you start up and scale up