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Save the Date for 26th Annual Washington State BizFair

Seattle District Office

u s small business administration
image of 3 people visiting an informational booth at BizFair


Save the Date!

26th Annual Washington State BizFair (Hybrid Event)

Saturday, September 24, 2022

8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

In person attendance at Renton Technical College

Renton, WA


Join SBA for the 26th Annual Washington State BizFair, hosted by SCORE.

Each fall, the small business ecosystem in WA comes together to put on BizFair, the longest running all government and non-profit run free small business fair in Washington State. It is an opportunity for thousands of current and aspiring small business owners to:

  • BE INSPIRED by a keynote speaker that has successfully traversed the small business path and shares their story of perseverance. Last year it was Joe Fugere of Tutta Bella sharing his story of Resilience and Thriving.
  • MEET with mentors, advisors, trainers, educators, fellow small business owners and entrepreneurs.
  • LEARN from savvy business experts who will share their knowledge and real-life experiences.
  • CONNECT with federal, state, and local government agencies for assistance related to business and/or getting contract opportunities.
  • FIND OUT how non-profit organizations can help you with funding, legal support, and more.
  • NETWORK with Chambers of Commerce, Economic Development Authorities, and statewide Business

BizFair 2022 will be a hybrid event with both in-person and virtual attendees having the same event experience.


Registration coming soon, watch for updates at


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