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SBA Upcoming Webinars & Workshops

SBA South Florida District Office

u s small business administration

Upcoming Webinars & Workshops

Illustration of main street businesses with a red banner and the following text, SBA loves small businesses. The SBA logo is at the bottom.










Stand Out Online With Google’s Tools for Small Business  – June 28   6pm

This workshop will introduce you to Google’s many tools to help you operate your business.

Having an online presence is important to the success of many businesses. Visibility on search sites can lead customers to your business. Google is one of the “go to” places for online searches. Google can also provide significant cloud based infrastructure for small businesses that empowers owners at little or no cost. This workshop will introduce you to Google’s many tools to help you operate your business.

  • Get your business on Google for free
  • Learn how to be found when people search on Google
  • Position your business on Google Maps
  • Build your first website for free
  • Use Google tools to start a website
  • View templates that are easy to us

Stand Out Online With Google’s Tools for Small Business | SCORE


Process Improvement & Working Smarter  –  June 29  11am

How do you improve the work processes in your office or small business? This class focuses on applying “Lean” process improvement to add efficiencies to your business and improve your bottom line potential. Learn ideas about making your work processes flow better, faster, cheaper? We can show you how to apply “Lean” thinking to any business process, regardless of your industry. In many cases, this can result in improved customer service, saved labor, better inventory control, and reduction of expenses. This is an introductory class that focuses on problem solving, and identifying “value added” activities. We will discuss examples of improved processes from many different industries.

Webinar – Process Improvement & Working Smarter Tickets, Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite


Unleashing Your Sales Superpowers  – June 29  12pm

Meshell takes you on a journey that explores the modern-day selling style. She will demonstrate why integrating the social and emotional needs of today’s buyers into your sales process increases outcomes. Are you ready to move past “trying to figure it out?” Meshell reveals a proven formula to sell directly to your client’s specific emotional needs building lasting relationships and creating loyal fan clients. 

Focus always begins with a plan. Let’s get you a clear and compelling vision that becomes both your master plan AND your superpower. Are you ready to have a clear vision and a focused commitment that leads to unparalleled sales success!

Unleashing Your Sales Superpowers | SCORE


Business Contracts–Must Knows  – June 29   6pm

This webinar is designed to help business owners who want to learn more about creating business contracts for their business. The webinar will provide tools to help business owners avoid common mistakes when using contracts. Webinar topics will include: What makes an agreement a contract? The basic contracts every business should have The ONE provision that should be in every business contract Understanding common “boilerplate” language How to properly use online contract templates Best practices for enforcing contracts.

Business Contracts – Must Knows | SCORE


Motivación del logro  –  June 29   6pm

Si las personas reconocen la Motivación del Logro en su vida diaria, ellos pueden practicarla conscientemente, aprender a aplicarla más eficazmente en situaciones empresariales. El concepto básico de la Motivación al Logro ha sido exitosamente aplicado en más de cuarenta (40) países que representan diversas circunstancias culturales y económicas.

Informes de experiencias indican el mérito de este seminario en mejorar el porcentaje de éxito de los Socios de Aprendizaje graduados, señalado igualmente por nuevas Fundaciones de Empresas y expansión de negocios existentes.

Su objetivo es que los Socios de Aprendizaje comprendan la importancia de entender las Características del Comportamiento Emprendedor a saber: Búsqueda de Oportunidades, Correr Riesgos, Exigir Eficiencia y Calidad, Ser Persistente, Ser Fiel a los Compromisos Contraídos, Fijar Metas, Conseguir Información, Planificar y hacer Seguimiento Sistemáticamente, Ser persuasivo y crear redes de Apoyo y Tener Autoconfianza.

Motivación del logro | SCORE


How to Become a Federal Government Contractor Through the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)  –  June 30  6pm

Over 12 million commercial items are available under various Schedules. While the GSA Schedules Program is only one of GSA’s procurement vehicles, it is one of the largest programs and the most preferred for commercial products and services. This workshop provides a basic knowledge and understanding of the process required for new vendors to qualify and get on the GSA Schedules Program. You will learn the benefits of being a GSA Schedules holder, how to find federal contracting opportunities, learn about the application process and the required documents to submit your application.

How to Become a Federal Government Contractor Through the U.S. General Services | SCORE


A&O Mesa redonda de pequeñas empresas: Problemas habituales de gestión contable y financiera y cómo solucionarlos  – June 30  7pm

La Iglesia Alpha & Omega (A&O) y Florida SBDC en FIU se complacen en anunciar el cuarto año consecutivo de su cooperación en los talleres mensuales para mesa redondas. Estos talleres se enfocan en brindar recursos e información a los empresarios hispanos que buscan iniciar o hacer crecer su negocio. Las mesas redondas incluirán expertos y exitosos empresarios que brindarán información importante para ayudarle en su negocio. ¿Por qué algunas empresas luchan por hacer nómina mientras que otras pueden obtener varios préstamos? Todo comienza contigo, el propietario de la empresa. Conozca los errores mas comunes y las acciones que puede tomar hoy para crear un plan financiero sólido para su negocio.

A&O Mesa redondas de pequeñas empresas 2022 (floridasbdc.org)


Financial Management for Small Business  – July 7  11am

The Financial Management for a Small Business module will take you on an important first step to building a better financial future for your business. After completing this training, you will be able to: • Explain the concept of financial management and why it is important to a small business. • Identify financial management practices, rules, and tools that are commonly available to a small business. • Explain the most common financial state • Explain how these financial management practices, rules, and tools work. • Explain financial management basics for a small business. • Explain the importance of cash flow management • Explain the basics of financing for start-up and growing businesses.

Financial Management for Small Business Tickets, Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite


Building Networks to Successfully Secure Local Contracts  – July 7  1pm

Is your business looking to get into government contracting? Don’t know where to start?

One of the best avenues to successfully grow your business through contracting is to start with local governments contracts. Local governments are regularly seeking to do business with qualified small businesses in their area. It is a win-win situation as you support them as a local vendor and these contracts give you the experience to move up to larger contracts.

This training will provide key insights such as: ·How to evaluate if government contracting is right for your business ·How to search for opportunities and develop the best plan to be successful ·How to properly market your business to potential buyers.

Building Networks to Successfully Secure Local Contracts (Webinar) (floridasbdc.org)


Managing Your People Resources – Legally   – July 7  6pm

Whether you’re hiring, firing, disciplining, promoting, considering requests for leave or dealing with any of dozens of other employee issues, when you make decisions and carry out personnel duties, it can be a legal minefield, and you need to be aware that expensive legal consequences are possible at every step. This session will address new developments in employment and labor regulations, along with practical applications for your small business. Covering the fundamentals of FLSA, IRCA, USERRA UGESP, OSHA, TITLE VII, ADA, FCRA, ADEA, COBRA, FMLA, EEO-1 and more. Workshop objectives include: Awareness of the various employment regulations and understand how to apply them for your business. Determining the laws with which you must comply based on # of employees. Identify what errors or omissions you might be making with employee on-boarding procedures. Understand Title VII discrimination and learn procedures and tools to mitigate the risk of litigation.

Managing Your People Resources – Legally | SCORE


Comience su negocio: ¡Pruebe la viabilidad!   –   July 7  6pm

¿Crees que tienes una gran idea de negocio, pero no sabes cómo empezar? En este seminario web GRATUITO lo ayudaremos a comprender lo que implica comenzar un negocio y su etapa personal de preparación. No solo discutiremos los conceptos básicos para iniciar un negocio, sino que también le brindaremos las herramientas que necesita para decidir si tiene o no un negocio viable. Los temas cubiertos son: Mitos y realidades del emprendimiento. ¿Tiene lo que se necesita para iniciar y administrar una pequeña empresa? – Evalúe sus habilidades y experiencia. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre un plan estratégico y un plan de negocio? – Y por qué los necesitas. ¿Es viable su idea de negocio? Ejercicios prácticos que le ayudarán a probar la viabilidad de la puesta en marcha de su negocio. Este taller está garantizado para ser el primer paso sólido para lograr el éxito que desea.



Review Your Options, Maybe Start Your Own Business   –   July 9  9:30am

During times like these, people often contemplate getting better control of their lives by starting their own business. You can achieve financial independence by owning your own business. Spend some time with us to look under the covers at what running your own business entails.

Webinar Registration – Zoom


Quickbooks Payroll (en Español)- July 9   9:30am

¿Su empresa cumple correctamente con las leyes para los pagos a los empleados?

Este taller informativo, es para conocer lo que la Ley pide con el mantenimiento de los archivos de los Empleados, preparación de las Nóminas y los Reportes de Impuestos trimestrales y anuales.

También para conocer algunas regulaciones gubernamentales que norman el cálculo y forma de pagos de los salarios, horas extras, vacaciones y los impuestos respectivos.

En este taller, vamos a mostrar algunos tópicos importantes, como:

  • Configuracion de empleados: Hourly or Annual Rate (Salario Anual o por horas)
  • Payroll Schedule (tipos de payroll), Pay Frecuency (tipos de pago)
  • Additions, Deductions and Company Contribution (Bonificación, Vacaciones, Seguro de Salud, etc.), Sick/Vacation.
  • Taxes: filing status, dependents, extra withholding, Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Federal & State

Quickbooks Payroll (en Español) | SCORE


Cybersecurity for Federal Contractors  –  July 28  12pm

This will be the fourth in our series of Expert Speaker Series events focused on the topic of cybersecurity for federal contractors. This session will focus on providing some framework and tools for OSCs (that’s “Organizations Seeking Certification” in case you are wondering) to understand their compliance requirement and what to expect from MSPs (Managed Service Providers) as they offer to provide support. This will be a panel discussion format, moderated by Kara Vernon, Florida PTAC at UCF Counselor.

CMMC 2.0: Understanding OSC and MSP Compliance (floridasbdc.org)