– Let’s Talk Business Series –
Credit and Your Business-Understanding Personal Credit
Friday, June 17, 2022 I 9AM – 11AM
#business_credit I #credit_management I #credit_score
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) recognizes that supporting entrepreneurship is a team effort! “Credit and Your Business-Understanding Personal Credit” is one of two bonus workshops in a series of 10 specifically developed with the local entrepreneur
in mind. The 10-part series addresses a variety of subjects and connects participants with experts from federal, state and local business resources.
SBA realizes that understanding your finances is key to running a business, and we are here to help! We are dedicated to helping entrepreneurs secure a stable financial future by providing counseling and training from our resource partners and SBA’s Learning
Center. Our online learning center has various courses at no cost to you on financing your business, accounting, pricing, and so much more.
This session by come dream. come build. on “Credit and your Business: Understanding Personal Credit.” will discuss what your credit reveals and how to assure you are ready “credit wise” before you approach a lender for financing. Business owners need to understand
how their credit profile works—and how that affects you when approaching a lender for financing.
Discover and Learn:
What kind of information is included in your credit report.
What factors impact your credit score.
How to obtain a copy of your credit report and how to dispute information.
Steps to improve your credit score.
How you can get access to a free soft pull credit report.
For more information contact Veronica Z. Ortega at (956) 427-8535 or email to:
Virtual training hosted via MS Teams.
You are the only one who can limit your greatness.
-Author Unknown-