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Free Webinar This Monday, June 13, 2022: Think Like a Banker–SBA Delaware Access to Capital Webinar

Registration is Open for this June 13, 2022 Webinar

Delaware District Office  – June 2022

u s small business administration

Registration is Open for Free-of-Charge June 13 Webinar: ‘Think Like a Banker’

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SBA Delaware’s ‘Think Like a Banker’ access to capital webinar focuses on helping small businesses understand how lending institutions evaluate a small business loan request. Specific topics Include:

• How a lender evaluates your application

• How the Small Business Administration (SBA) helps when a lender says “No”

• SBA Financial Programs

• Other resources available to small business


WEBINAR DATE                                             WEBINAR TIME

             June 13, 2022                                                  12:30 pm – 2:00 pm EST



If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact
Ellyn Herbert, SBA Delaware Economic Development Specialist: (302) 574-6742 | Ellyn.Herbert@sba.gov.

** All programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made, if requested at least two weeks in advance.