![Pandemic Recovery Stategies](https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/sOiNTkX2wWLerjRBaPUVFfgBw7-_lMNZBSdMzHK9ZDhraNae8lLx4Kx8xQQjDmJT1bxyfUtunzFMhmSbWdUMyMcMmn8fEuug84LE7RAYQzpOXRQSp8ru8DXnv5-USPRdbLYPFX9pl8HmL9WyjSNfdtUk3lyFEA-UwvmyHZh_IQr8PRQQmrwxPhb0_ewy6Ji7HVA=s0-d-e1-ft#https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/USSBA/2022/02/5585989/3983986/sba-nfdo-video-series-segment-1_crop.png) |
Hear from Jonel Hein, Deputy District Director as she speaks about pandemic recovery tips as part of our Small Biz Tips Series.
SBA Lending
North Florida lenders approved a total of 320 loans for an approximate total of $257.8 million dollars so far in FY 22.
The North Florida District Office celebrates African American/Black History Month.
The North Florida District Office hosted a 3-part series for African American/Black History Month- Unlocking the Tools to Mentorship, Credit and Access to Capital.
North Florida District Director/Acting South Florida District Director, J. Malcolm Richards and Allen Thomas, Region IV Administrator participated part 3 of the series. Mr. Richards is a former banker and decades of experience to the SBA North Florida District
Office. Additionally, the events featured SBA resource partners, staff, and guest speakers. Over 300 participants joined the calls to learn how to start and grow their businesses.
![BHM 1](https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/9Zk9tFLswiJ5K8YuP-c-38v3ICf3aWUtwTAPD1LYQnq4afXIm2CCVZsAvGJI6PVAREEMiFdADI5rONXKsI3xqwMmpWLO28_N5RdjK_8tyDYS3ZG8bCxB_HC0klad9loYo7r8uPQpBzuK2NcrHvHB2sRKf17kfjGD1Q=s0-d-e1-ft#https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/USSBA/2022/03/5588750/3983987/bhm-22_crop.png)
Women’s History Month 2022 Celebration
Join the North Florida District Office, National Association of Women Business Owners, and the Jacksonville Women’s Business Center as we celebrate Women’s History Month. Meet some of the local businesswomen who triumphed
over the economic impact of this historic pandemic and learn about the resources they leveraged to make it happen!
Featured speaker: Natalie M. Cofield, SBA Assistant Administrator – Women’s Business Ownership.
Date and time
Tuesday, March 22, 2022; 1–2:30pm EDT
Virtual|Women + Franchise = A Winning Combination
Join the SBA at this free event, where you will hear from SBA on how our programs and services can assist with helping launch or grow a small business including franchise. The event will also provide key information from other presenters on business resources,
franchise education and funding options. And as a bonus, the event will feature a live panel of women franchise owners, who will share their stories!
Date and time
Friday, March 11, 2022
9–11am EST
8(a) Business Development Program
The SBA’s 8(a) Business Development (BD) Program is designed to help small, disadvantaged businesses that are socially and economically disadvantaged compete in the federal marketplace. The 8(a) Program offers executive level business training that helps to
keep your small business competitive. There are many benefits, requirements, and an online application process.
Date and time
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
4–5:15pm EST
HUBZone Certification Webinar
Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) Contracting Program: The purpose of this program is to help small businesses in HUBZones w/federal contracting assistance so they can increase employment and have an impact on the economic development of their
respective communities. The HUBZone program fuels small business growth in historically underutilized business zones with a goal of awarding at least three percent of federal contract dollars to HUBZone-certified companies each year.
Date and time
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
4–5:15pm EST
The Power of Capital
Join the SBA to learn about the Power of Capital. Learn how and what you should be doing to position your company in the best posture to get financing for your current or future business needs from a financial institution. This training will include topics
like: Why are you a good investment for a bank to lend to? Financial Data that is important. What are your credit options and what SBA loan programs may be right for you.
Date and time
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
3:30–5pm EDT
Surety Bond Guarantee Program
Surety bonds help small businesses win contracts by providing the customer with a guarantee that the work will be completed. Many public and private contracts require surety bonds, which are offered by surety companies. The SBA guarantees surety bonds for certain
surety companies, which allows the companies to offer surety bonds to small businesses that might not meet the criteria for other sureties. If you are working in an industry that requires bonding, join the SBA’s Tamara Murray from the Office of Surety Bond
Guarantee (SBG) as she discusses the SBG Program in detail! Small businesses get SBA-guaranteed surety bonds so they can get to work! Some contracts require that the business doing the work be properly bonded.
Date and time
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
4–5:15pm EDT
Virtual Hour with SBA
Please join the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) North Florida District Office (NFDO) as we host our monthly Virtual Hour, which is a live call that will provide the latest information on SBA programs and services. We will also provide additional information
on resources that’s also available to help future aspiring entrepreneurs, or small business owners seeking to start, purchase, grow or recover. During the call the participants will have access to the NFDO team members, who can speak to you about business
mentoring, government contracting, business loans (Access to Capital) veteran, women’s business resources, and other SBA initiatives.
Date and time
Thursday, March 24, 2022
1–2pm EDT
To connect to this event please dial-in at
(202) 765-1264;
Conference ID: 957 779 620#
Orientación a los Servicios de la Administración de Pequeñas Empresas (SBA)
La Agencia Federal de Pequeñas Empresas (SBA, por sus siglas, en inglés) ayuda a propietarios y emprendedores de pequeñas empresas a lograr el sueño americano. La SBA ofrece una amplia gama de servicios y programas que el público en general no comprende. La
SBA es la única agencia federal que ofrece servicios y programas gratuitos con un enfoque en asesoramiento empresarial, acceso a capital, contratación gubernamental y ayuda en casos de desastre. Si usted es un empresario hispano y desea obtener más información
sobre estos servicios y programas en nuestra área local, regístrese para este evento.
Date and time
Thursday, March 10, 2022
4–5pm EST
Insight provided by a recent participant:
“I want to take a moment and thank you and your team for presenting a class that was/is very important and beneficial. I feel that without the knowledge that I obtained I would have still been sitting on thought instead of continuing forward. I appreciate
the honesty of the reality and expectations the most. Having business owners share their experiences was an excellent source of information for me. Most business owners are too busy to take time for people who are still in the thought/dream phase.”
Below are additional training and events provided by our resource partners in North Florida. Events/training may have a cost. Some of our resource partners are providing in-person events. Please check with the organization listed to ensure the event is still
scheduled to occur or with any other questions
Procurement Technical Assistance Center
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 – 9:00am EST
Small Business Development Center
Thursday, March 3, 2022 – 9:00am EST
FSBDC at the University of Central Florida
3201 E. Colonial Drive
Orlando, FL 32803
Women’s Business Center
Thursday, March 3, 2022 – 9:30am EST
JAX Chamber
3 Independent Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Small Business Development Center
Thursday, March 10, 2022 – 10:00am EST
Small Business Development Center
Thursday, March 24, 2022 – 10:00am EDT