Dear Prospective Bidders:
The Embassy of the United States of America invites you to submit a price proposal for providing Shatter Resistant Window Film (SRWF) installation for the offices and real property owned or managed by the U.S. Government for the U.S. Embassy in Ankara.
A site visit will be held on December 11th, 2024 at 1000 hours(EST +8). If you would like to participate in the site visit, please submit the names and kimlik numbers of the attendees to AnkaraGSO-Procurement-DL(a), before 1600 hours on December 9th,2024 and additional information or to arrange entry to the building will be provided.
Your quotation must be submitted by e-mail to /\nkara-GSO-Procurcment-DUZ1)state.Qov on or before 1600 hours EST +82 on December 20th, 2024. No quotation will be accepted after this date.
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