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Press Release: MySetAside Helps Small Business Owners to Find State and Federal Contracts

MySetAside.com is pleased to announce the launch of a new service that can help small business owners find and win new State and Federal contract opportunities. Business owners can also search through available Federal Government Contracts on the portal. MySetAside’s large index of data helps small business owners to match and compare contracting opportunities in specific NAICS industries. Source: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/online-helps-small-business-owners-212000060.html?guccounter=1


Access Government Contracts on Your Mobile Phone

Government contract and procurement opportunities are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for small businesses, as it offers them great opportunity to grow and prosper in their business. Small businesses must bid for the contracts on time to grab the opportunity. One of the best ways to search for the latest contract and procurement opportunities and to grab them on time is to get the government contracts on your mobile phone directly. Several mobile applications help businesses to access business contracts directly on their mobile phone. Every day, thousands of contracts get published on these apps and it is possible to access them in many languages from different countries. There are many teams all over the world that help people to access business-related government contracts on their mobile phones. It is now possible to access the contracts announced by the government and other international agencies, directly on one’s mobile phone. Importance of seeking access to Government contracts Government offers contracts as public procurement forms an important aspect of government activity. Public procurement is one of the top priorities of the government. By releasing contracts, the government aims to transform the way by which the procurement of goods and services is performed by government departments, […]

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